A portrait of the classical pianist Misi Boros – culture


Helmut Mauro

If you are greeted by name by the hotel porter, you have already done something right as a musician. The 19 year old Misi Boros – actually Michael Boros Brambauer, he has kept the nickname Mischi since a TV appearance – is not surprised, he smiles friendly and beaming, a bit like Michael Jackson, whose hat is exhibited here in a glass case in the foyer. It’s Budapest’s hard rock hotel, with the guitars hanging from the walls of the rock stars who used to wreck such 5-star rooms. Misi Boros has been here before for a film shoot, he says almost apologetically. That’s why you know him. But that’s a gross understatement. People smile at him on the street too, they know him, to put it mildly.

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