A police officer convicted of racist insults rises in rank

“A bicot, it does not swim! It was for this statement that Pierre C. was given a six-month suspended prison sentence in January 2022. The police officer, who appealed this decision and must be retried on September 13 and 14, has just passed and to pass the internal police officer competition, announce our colleagues from Release this Wednesday.

On the additional list, which according to the newspaper has been systematically validated for years, Pierre C. should now follow a year and a half of training to become a lieutenant. And this, despite his conviction at first instance for “public insult of a racial nature”. The police officer had gone to court with several colleagues following an arrest on April 26, 2020.

A filmed arrest

Around 1:30 a.m., police arrested an Egyptian national on Île Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis) suspected of stealing equipment from a construction site. According to police sources, he had tried to flee by throwing himself into the Seine. On the facts of theft, the case was closed without further action.

After taking the young man out of the river, one of the police officers said: “A bicot like that does not swim”, according to a video captured by a resident and broadcast by journalist Taha Bouhafs on social networks. “Ha! ha! It’s flowing, you should have hung a ball on his foot, ”we could also hear there.

A historical “connotation”

The case had sparked outrage and reopened wounds. “”Bicot” has a special connotation even sixty years after the fact. When you fish someone out, these words keep all their meaning, ”laughed Loïc Pageot, the Bobigny prosecutor, who had requested a four-month suspended prison sentence. He then evoked the massacre of Algerian demonstrators on October 17, 1961 in Paris. The bodies of several dozen victims had been thrown into the Seine.

Asked by Release, the general direction of the national police (DGPN) recalls that “Pierre C. has already been sanctioned administratively”. With one of his colleagues involved, he was indeed sentenced to five days of firm exclusion, when the recommendations of the Disciplinary Council of the Prefecture of Police proposed three.

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