A pension reform “will not put” the railway workers “in a good mood”, warns the CGT

A demonstration of the CGT, illustration – ACCORSINI JEANNE / SIPA P / SIPA

A new pension reform “will not put in a good mood” the railway workers, who “did not strike for two and a half months for nothing” against the latest reform project in winter 2019-2020, warned the secretary General of the CGT-Cheminots, Laurent Brun, this Wednesday.

“We went on strike for two and a half months against the previous reform. (…) I think that if we get this back on the table, it will not go well, because we have not had two and a half months of strike for nothing (…) It will not put us in good health mood, ”said Laurent Brun at a press conference.

Bruno Le Maire “would do better to take care” of “the industrial revival”

“We are very happy that the point system (retirement) has been put in the trash,” but “the age measures that are announced are just as scandalous,” he said. “Is pension reform really the priority? I don’t think so, ”he added. The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, “would do better to take care” of “industrial revival” and jobs, “rather than repeating the old antiphons:” we must work more “…”, a- he estimated.

As for the social climate at SNCF, there is “a very big dissatisfaction in the company”, underlined Laurent Brun. The Covid-19 “stifled demands and anger that were extremely present” before the health crisis and “today we are very clearly on the warpath”, he said.

A “national rally” in front of the SNCF headquarters on June 22

“It will be the railway workers” who will decide whether there is a strike, but “restructuring in the company continues to advance (…), discontent grows, promises are not kept, the system is increasingly ineffective. It is likely that we will be forced to return to a (social) conflict, it is not impossible, ”he considered.

The CGT-Cheminots is organizing a “national rally” on June 22 in front of the SNCF headquarters in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), said Laurent Brun, “to bring our demands on the social framework to the management. », While the rail reform has opened up passenger rail transport to competition and stopped hiring for railway workers. SNCF and “private companies” in the rail sector are “in the process of reducing the gains” of employees, he protested. “We will not let ourselves be shorn of the wool on the back compared to the competition”, he warned.



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