A mountaineer dies while unscrewing on the classic route of Mont Blanc

Another fatal accident during an ascent in the Mont-Blanc massif. Tuesday, mid-morning, a 55-year-old Israeli mountaineer died due to a rock fall that made him unscrew in the Goûter corridor, at more than 3,000 meters above sea level, gendarmes said. from Chamonix. The victim was part of a group that was not roped. No other participants were injured.

Rockfall is common on this route, which is the main access route to Mont Blanc. They often take place a little later in the season, when the mountain dries up. Last year, the ascents of Mont Blanc by this classic route were suspended due to this repeated phenomenon, in exceptional climatic conditions, different from this year.

Captain Guy Le Nevé, deputy commander of the Haute-Savoie high mountain gendarmerie platoon (PGHM), questioned at the beginning of the week by 20 minutes, had specified that in June and July, sixteen people had died during activities related to the mountain [alpinisme, randonnée pédestre, parapente, escalade]compared to ten last year at the same period.

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