A man indicted for the murder of his partner

A police car in intervention. (Drawing) – ClÈment Follain / 20 Minutes

A 34-year-old man was indicted and remanded in custody Friday evening in Guyana (this Saturday in Paris) for “aggravated murder by a partner” in 2020 on his companion, a 23-year-old Brazilian.

The suspect was arrested on May 31 at his home in Antibes (Alpes-Maritimes) by the Cayenne research section, then transferred to Guyana on Friday, said the prosecutor of the Republic of Cayenne, Samuel Finielz. The victim was found lifeless on the banks of a creek in Cocoa, about fifty kilometers from Cayenne, May 15, 2020. Forensic pathologists had hypothesized a death by asphyxiation.


In custody in Marseille, the man “argued of repeated attacks of jealousy of his companion. He claims that during an argument on May 14, 2020 in the afternoon at their home in Cayenne, she grabbed a knife. He would have disarmed her before putting his hand over her mouth, according to him, to prevent her from screaming, ”said the prosecutor on Friday evening during a press briefing. Then “she fell, he said he realized that she had stopped breathing. “

He says he then put the body in a bag, transported the corpse to Cacao in his vehicle. He would have liked to burn the body before changing his mind, quickly putting out the start of the fire. The autopsy showed that the victim was “6 to 8 weeks pregnant”, without it being possible to determine who the father was.

A precedent in 2006

The suspect had been the subject of an order of indictment before the assizes of Cayenne in May 2015 for the murder, in 2006, of a young Brazilian woman found dead by asphyxiation in Guyana and whose body had been burned. One of his lawyers was then Eric Dupond Moretti, the current Keeper of the Seals. Following the accused’s appeal, this referral to the proceedings was canceled by the Cayenne Chamber of Investigation in September 2015. The prosecutor indicated that this first case “is being re-examined by the prosecution in the light of the elements of the current procedure, (…) this previous criminal record not being prescribed. “

The collective “Feminicides by companions or ex” has identified at least 49 feminicides since the beginning of 2021. In 2020, 90 feminicides were counted by the Ministry of the Interior, against 146 the previous year.

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