a man causes a fire by burning toilet paper in Brittany

The firefighters were able to limit the damage thanks to their rapid intervention. Without them, the consequences could have been more serious as the soils are so parched. In Ploemeur, not far from Lorient (Morbihan), a fire started around 2 p.m. near Kaolins beach. According to witnesses, the fire started with toilet paper burned by a man, reports The Telegram.

After a big commission in the vegetation bordering the beach, the respondent allegedly burned his toilet paper to make it disappear. A technique widely used by hikers to avoid leaving visible waste in the middle of nature but which turns out to be risky in this period of extreme drought.

Summons to court in 2023

According to The Telegram, the suspect would have tried to put out the flames using a bottle of water, in vain. Alerted by witnesses, the firefighters intervened quickly to bring the fire under control. About 250 m² of vegetation burned.

Arrested on Sunday evening, the suspect was taken into custody. He will be summoned to court in 2023 to answer for the acts of arson.

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