A man arrested, suspected of preparing a terrorist act

The arrest took place on Tuesday, September 6, at his parents’ home near Metz (Moselle). A 19-year-old man close to the ultra-right was arrested and then indicted in Paris for “individual terrorist enterprise”, suspected of having planned violent action, a judicial source said on Tuesday confirming information from RTL.

According to the radio, this man “Engaged in an ultra-violent drift against a backdrop of racist and anti-Semitic hatred, was arrested at his parents’ home on Tuesday, September 6 near Metz by police officers from the General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI)”.

He was indicted on Friday in Paris by an anti-terrorism investigating magistrate. According to RTL, he “was looking for weapons” and “was interested in explosive recipes”. His lawyer did not immediately respond.

Since 2017, a dozen procedures linked to the ultra-right have been opened at the Paris anti-terrorism center. A threat “taken very seriously” and which “is gaining momentum”, according to a Parisian anti-terrorism magistrate.

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