A little return and then leaves… Ousmane Dembélé again injured

It’s a running gag, except it’s not funny. Ousmane Dembélé returned to the FC Barcelona infirmary, as indicated by the Catalan club this Thursday. According to the press release, the French international striker suffers from an elongation of the semi-membranous muscle of the left thigh.

The 24-year-old made his comeback Tuesday night in Kiev (0-1 victory) after more than four months of absence, following a rupture of the right biceps femoris on June 19 against Hungary (1-1), during the ‘Euro. After playing the last 35 minutes of this Champions League match, in place of young Gavi, “Dembouz”, whose contract expires at the end of the season, is therefore again unavailable.

This new glitch is a priori much less serious than the previous one, but the former Rennes and Dortmund winger is injured so often that we will not venture to predict a period of unavailability, which Barça does not give. not.

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