A judicial investigation opened for assassination

Justice retained the murder charge, suggesting that the murder of priest Olivier Maire had been premeditated. Killed “by violent blows” to the head on the night of August 8 to 9 in Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre, Vendée, the religious had succumbed to his injuries. Ten days after the discovery of his body, the prosecution of La Roche-sur-Yon has just announced the opening of a judicial investigation for assassination. The alleged perpetrator, Emmanuel A., himself went to the gendarmerie on August 9 and accused himself of the murder. This 40-year-old Rwandan, fervent Catholic, is also the alleged arsonist of Nantes cathedral in July 2020.

Following the death of the priest, an investigation had been opened for “intentional homicide”. The autopsy had revealed that the victim had died as a result of “violent blows” to the head, but the examination could not determine the murder weapon.

Still hospitalized in a psychiatric environment

The main defendant had been placed in police custody before being the subject of a psychiatric hospitalization measure at the request of the representative of the State. “He is currently still hospitalized under this regime,” said the prosecution. Emmanuel A. was released on July 29 from hospitalization in psychiatry for more than a month. He had previously been imprisoned from July 20, 2020 to May 31, 2021, as part of the investigation into the fire at Nantes cathedral, on July 18, 2020.

On his release from prison, he had been placed under judicial control, with an obligation of residence within the religious community of Montfortians, of which the priest Olivier Maire, 60, was the provincial superior.

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