A hotline set up for victims

“Victims of sexual abuse in the Church can now join the expert listeners”, announced on Tuesday
France Victims. The federation has signed agreements with the Conference of French Bishops and religious congregations (Corref) to open a listening and support number: 01 41 83 42 17.

France Victimes, which claims to be the “first federation of victim assistance associations in France”. “Established throughout France, it offers all victims psychological, legal and social support as close as possible to their place of life”.

The federation participated in the Sauvé report

Jean-Marc Sauvé and the Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Church (Ciase) that he chairs chose the federation for its call for testimonies. From June 2019 to October 2020, she “was in charge of collecting the testimonies of victims, via a specially set up telephone listening platform, but also of supporting victims through its network of local associations,” recalls she does. The federation “had received more than 6,500 testimonies [victimes ou proches] by phone and email ”.

Published in early October, the Sauvé report shook the entire Catholic Church by estimating at 330,000 the number of people over 18 years of age who had been the subject of sexual violence since 1950, when they were minors, by clerics, religious or people related to the institution.

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