A heat wave is coming to France this weekend

Summer temperatures land in France… For a few days. This Wednesday, temperatures will reach or even exceed 30 degrees in the South of France. In some areas of the Rhône valley and Provence, Météo-France even indicates that the thermometer can go up to 35 or 38 degrees.

After suffering the consequences of several “cold drops”, which caused one of the rainiest summer starts in recent years, this time France will “benefit” from a dome of heat which is on the Mediterranean. The countries of southern Europe are already on heat wave alert.

Until Sunday or Monday

This heat wave is expected to last for several days. Probably until Sunday or even Monday. Thursday is expected to be the hottest day, with 28 to 32 degrees in the northern half of the country and locally temperatures around 38 degrees in the South. As a result, thunderstorms could break out “in places”.

Temperatures will drop by one or two degrees this weekend but will remain, for once, at the level of seasonal norms.

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