A former candidate indicted in February for “rape”

Singer Spleen, in June 2014. – SADAKA EDMOND / SIPA

Pascal O., known as Spleen, known for his participation in the musical reality showThe Voice, was indicted in February for “rape” and “sexual assault”, AFP learned Wednesday from a judicial source, confirming
magazine informationNeon. Spleen was indicted for “rape” and “moral harassment” against two women as well as “sexual assault” against a third, according to this source.

Left free under judicial control, he is also indicted for “capturing or transmitting images of a sexual nature without consent” of these three women and a fourth complainant, said this source. Regarding facts denounced by a fifth woman, he had already been referred to the Paris Criminal Court, but the hearing which was to be held at the beginning of the year was postponed to be attached to the file of instruction, according to sources familiar with the matter.

Video capture

In a long investigation, Neon revealed in November the many accusations against the singer. “What links all these stories is the capture of photos and videos without the consent of people,” said a source familiar with the matter. Several women indeed accuse Spleen of having attracted them to his home before forcing them to take photos or videos before, according to some of them, sexually assaulting them or even raping them.

“We dispute the facts,” the singer’s lawyer told AFP. Regarding Spleen, testimonies against them had emerged on social networks under the keyword #MusicToo, created in the wake of the #MeToo movement to denounce sexual violence in the music industry.

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