A firefighter anti-sanitary pass who had insulted Jean Castex released by justice

A professional anti-health pass firefighter appeared for contempt of justice in Colmar after insulting Prime Minister Jean Castex. The facts occurred during a visit to Alsace on August 31.

The individual, aged about sixty, chanted “Castex pro labs, lab collaborator, we are not lab rats”. To the security service which had apprehended him, the man had declared: “The government wants to force me to inject myself with a product still at the stage of clinical trials, it follows the schedule of the laboratories, Mr. Castex is therefore theirs. collaborater ” . Handcuffed, he had spent eight hours in police custody.

” The benefit of the doubt “

At the helm of the Colmar Criminal Court, the firefighter now equipped with a health pass after contracting Covid-19 at the beginning of September, explained his feeling against certain vaccines but also that he should have, on September 15, been suspended for lack of health pass, with a loss of salary. “Whereas with more than 45 years of service I could have retired for years if I did not like this job” he assured. He also said he was greatly affected by his fellow firefighters who were going to be laid off for the same reasons. “

The Prime Minister had confirmed having heard words uttered against him, without being precise as to their content, and had not lodged a complaint. The prosecution requested a 500 euros fine but the court finally released the sixty-year-old “for the benefit of the doubt”. “It is not established that he made remarks likely to attack the dignity or the function of the Prime Minister, and being underlined the distance between the accused and the police officers who heard the remarks in question” , he noted.

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