A city fined 424,883 euros because it lacks social housing

The municipality of Eguilles, in the Bouches-du-Rhône, is preparing to pay a hefty fine. The city of 8,000 inhabitants, located near Aix-en-Provence, has just been ordered by the administrative court to pay… 424,883 euros to the State. The reason ? It does not have a sufficient number of social housing, reports
France Blue Provence.

Where the Duflot law imposes 25%, it only offers 5% for the entire municipality. It would therefore be necessary to build 715 additional ones. Impossible according to the mayor Les Républicains Robert Dagorne, who is justified by a lack of building land. “The SRU law, which imposes 25% of social housing on us, also says that we do not gain in constructability on natural and agricultural land. So if I cleared land in these areas around my commune, the préfet would tell me that I have no right and would also impose a fine on me, ”he explained to local radio.

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