A cast neither “too eccentric” nor better than last year for season 10

Do not count on Cyril Lignac to deliver a promo speech, to swallow it raw, promising us that the cast of the tenth season of the Best pastry chef, launched Thursday evening on M6, is superior to that of the previous edition. “I am not in the bidding, I do not want to say” They are better than last year “, as I hear it in Top chef, he whines. Every season there is talent. There are selections, you have to have a level to participate and, then, it is grace that creates the talents in the tent. “

Mercotte is not more focused on sales pitch. “This year, the cast is very balanced and, in my eyes, more consensual. The candidates have different personalities, but they’re not too eccentric, she notes. They are there to bake, not to make TV. “

The confinement effect

The juror of the show continues: “Among them, many who have started to bake because of or thanks to confinement. It really allowed people to rediscover how to bake at home and it opened up new horizons for some people. “

It also had an effect on vocations. “There have never been as many registrations for the show as this year,” reveals producer Jérémie Atlan. We received around 15,000. With the confinements, our pastry chefs had time to learn techniques all day. I don’t know if they are better than the previous years, but they are sharp. When you look at Instagram accounts, what amateurs do is quite visually stunning. “

Among the twenty candidates on the starting line are a 16-year-old high school student, a 61-year-old former MP, a 44-year-old CRS, a 31-year-old Miss Philippines, a 40-year-old farmer, a 34-year-old airline pilot. … On paper, the variety of profiles is enough to make the most inclusive of Netflix series palate. The first episode will be almost as ruthless as that of Squid Game (less lethality, of course). The competitors will face each other outside in two events. Only fourteen qualified will have the honor of entering the tent, the other six will be eliminated.

“You have twenty and you don’t know which ones will enter the tent”

Cyril Lignac applauds this new issue which, according to him, “brings dynamism” and will silence the suspicions of overly calculated casting. “We are sometimes told that we select very specific profiles to make a heterogeneous season between the temperaments of each. There, you have twenty and you do not know which will enter the tent. So it is played with dice, I want to say, ”emphasizes the chef.

What to encourage amateur pastry chefs to sharpen their butter knives? Apparently not. “This year, I find the atmosphere different, very” friends “, not competition, good-natured”, slips Cyril Lignac who ended up finding the trick in addition to this season compared to the previous one. Either way, fans of the show can rest assured: The best pastry chef is still so feel good and tasty than before.

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