A bill to ban them in the Assembly from this Wednesday

A proposed LREM law prohibiting “conversion therapy”, which aims to impose heterosexuality on lesbians, gays, bi and trans (LGBT +) will be examined in the National Assembly from this Wednesday in committee. “This is a first step to allow its completion, but it is also an opportunity to continue the work to raise awareness on the subject”, underlined the boss of the LREM group, Christophe Castaner, in mid-September, presenting the text. .

“I don’t want people to think that conversion therapy is allowed today. They are prohibited. But as they can take multiple forms sometimes difficult to apprehend, the creation of a new offense will make it possible to condemn them in a more effective way ”, he justified. The bill provides for the creation of a specific offense punishable by two years ‘imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros, or even three years’ imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros in the case of a minor. .

“The legislative arsenal is not sufficient”

Calls are increasing in France to demand a law banning “conversion therapy” practiced by religious groups. The Minister Delegate in charge of Equality between Women and Men, Elisabeth Moreno, welcomed this bill aimed at banning “medieval practices”, and hailed a further step towards “a more inclusive society, where everyone is respected beyond their sexual orientation or gender identity ”.

Relief from associations

The associations are also celebrating this initiative. ” It was time ! », Declared Lucile Jomat, president of the association SOS Homophobie. If she is “satisfied”, Lucile Jomat however fears “that the law cannot pass before the end of the five-year term”. Benoît Berthe-Siward, spokesperson for the Nothing to Heal collective, which fights for the prohibition of conversion therapy, is for his part “relieved”. “The legislative arsenal is not sufficient to condemn these practices. This has been going on for thirty years, and no “conversion therapy” has been condemned. “

A few weeks ago, the Minister in charge of Citizenship, Marlène Schiappa, announced to entrust Miviludes with a mission “on the unworthy practice” of these “conversion therapies”. Miviludes, an organ for combating sectarian aberrations attached to the Ministry of the Interior, will be assisted by the assistance and intervention unit in matters of sectarian aberrations (CAIMADES), attached to the Central Office for the Repression of Violence to people (ORCVP), and by the Central Office for the fight against environmental and public health attacks (OCLAESP).

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