A 10-year-old boy called a “dirty Jew” and a “dirty Christian”, two minors suspected

He wore a cross around his neck and was targeted in the middle of the street, in Alfortville (Val-de-Marne). A 10-year-old boy was called a “dirty Christian” and a “dirty Jew” by two other minors, barely older than him.

The two children accused of being at the origin of the insults told the victim that he “deserved to be crushed in view of his religion”, according to information from the JDDconfirmed by several other media.

An open investigation

The victim informed her parents, who went to file a complaint. An investigation has been opened. These facts could be qualified as “insults of a religious nature”, indicated the Créteil public prosecutor’s office Parisian.

The two minors will be interviewed by the investigation department of the Alfortville police station, according to BFMTVwhich relays information from the prosecution.

A few days ago, in this commune of Val-de-Marne, the municipality had to urgently erase anti-Semitic tags, as indicated by the mayor of the commune Luc Carvounas (PS) in Parisian.

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