99% Crypto Mining in Texas Suspended after the winter storm approaches

With winter storm Landon expected to hit parts of Texas this week. Major crypto mining companies are temporarily shutting down. because it is expected that there will be a high demand for electricity in the state electricity grid

Trystine Payfer, communications director at Riot Blockchain, said Wednesday that the company’s data center in Rockdale has “99% shutdown,” with demand for electricity expected to peak Thursday night. (BTC), represented by the Texas Blockchain Council, has sent a letter to Texas Governor Greg Abbott informing him they plan to shut down or reduce operations to meet ERCOT requirements.

“As a Texas native We want you to know that we are monitoring the coming cold. Just as we deal with seasonal weather,” Reed Clay, vice president of the Texas Blockchain Council, said in a letter to Abbott. We are taking proactive measures to close operations, relieve workload and build additional capabilities to meet the needs of ERCOT if needed.”

According to Payfer, a major mine in Texas uses 1 gigawatt of electricity to operate under normal conditions. permitted from the state electricity grid According to the ERCOT website, Texas residents are using 35,016 megawatts, or megawatts, at the time of publication. The company stated that there “Energy is sufficient for current demand,” however, ERCOT forecasts. shows that This demand could increase by more than 42% in the next 24 hours. It could peak at 49,786 MW when the temperature dropped to the lowest: about -8C in Dallas.

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