9 ideas to make it yourself

© istock

A wooden screen

Wood is a solution that will bring a warm and natural look to your privacy screen. Depending on the type of wood you choose, you will enjoy a very different result.

With branches

Several options are available to you according to your tastes, your desires, but also what you can find.

  • It is possible to plant two rows of branches in the ground rather solid one in front of the other, they will act as posts. In between, you just have to slide your branches to the desired height. For this, you need straight and regular branches. The branches thus blocked between the posts then form an easy-to-create privacy screen.
  • If the only branches you have are irregular, you can highlight this characteristic. You can either fix them, so that they create zig-zags, by nailing them on posts stuck in the ground or install them in a frame that you will only have to install in the desired location.
  • You can also align the branches by fixing them perpendicular to the ground. You can choose branches of different shapes.

With pallets or recovery boards

You can also make your privacy screen with pallets that you will have previously collected. To create your privacy screen, you can choose to use them as is or by collecting their boards. This last solution makes it possible to tighten the boards sufficiently so as not to be seen. You can also install the boards on one side, then on the other side of the support provided for better concealment of your space. Depending on your desire, you can place the boards parallel or perpendicular to the ground, personalize them by painting them or cut the upper part into a point.

With logs

And why not use wooden logs for your privacy screen? To do this, you just have to stack them. The length of these logs will determine the depth of your privacy screen. They can be of different diameters, but also of different species to take advantage of different colors. The logs will hold each other up, but will need to be held at each end of the line by large posts capable of supporting the weight.

With braided stems

Another solution is to use flexible stems of hazel, ash, etc.. that you are going to braid like a plessis. This can be used for the realization of vegetable squares, fences, but also screenings. At regular intervals, you must start by planting woods in the ground which will act as stakes and will be used for braiding the stems. To do this, you need to pass the branch alternately in front of and behind the stake and so on along the entire length. On the next rod, you need to reverse the process.

A bamboo screen

For the realization of your privacy screen, bamboo can be used in different ways.

  • It is possible to simply plant the canes side by side in the ground to a depth of 50 cm. You can choose rods of different sizes and different diameters.
  • You can also build a structure and install the rods on it parallel or perpendicular to the ground. You then have the possibility to personalize your screen in different ways.
  • Finally you can plant bamboo directly in the ground. It is necessary to choose non-tracing varieties of bamboo, at the risk of finding yourself overgrown. Otherwise, you can install them in bins.
Bamboo Hedge
© istock

A green screen

For your privacy screen, you can also rely on vegetation. The possibilities are endless, but you will have to wait until the plants have grown enough to protect you from prying eyes.

Climbing plant

For a refreshing breeze in summer, you can bet on the foliage of climbing plants. It will then be necessary to have a support on which to climb them, it can be a trellis or a wall. In all cases, you will enjoy a screen of greenery. You can choose annual plants, some allow you to quickly cover a space, the ipomea, for example. It is also possible to opt for plants that will develop year after year, Virginia creeper, for example. Either way, it is important to choose the plants that will protect you in relation to their hardiness, but also in relation to the exposure of your land and the type of soil.


And why not install grasses for a very rustic result? It is possible to find some with fairly tall stems that will play with the light and bring a graphic side to your garden. You will then need to maintain them, in addition, some need to be cut at the start of the season. On the other hand, to be concealed, you will have to wait until they have grown enough. This solution remains a light screen.

Create a plant hedge

Another solution is to create a hedge. Here too, you will have to wait until it is sufficiently developed. The choice of plants plays a big role. They must be adapted to the environment in which they will live. Then it’s up to you to decide whether you want to create a free standing hedge that requires less maintenance or a hedge that you will need to trim regularly. For a privacy hedge, choose evergreen shrubs so that they keep their leaves throughout the year. Another interesting option is to bet on shrubs which will bloom in turn throughout the year, etc. The solutions are numerous and will meet all your desires.

Potted plants

For a terrace or a balcony, you can create a privacy screen by playing on the accumulation of plants. Choose plant varieties that will do well in tubs or pots and that will be tall enough.

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