76 arrests during demonstrations against the health pass on Saturday

The demonstrations against the health pass which gathered more than 200,000 people on Saturday, gave rise to 76 arrests throughout France, according to a new assessment Sunday from the Ministry of the Interior. There were 26 arrests in Paris, where three members of the security forces were injured, according to the ministry.

Among those arrested in the capital, 25, including two minors, were placed in police custody, suspected in particular of violence against the police, of “participating in a group with a view to committing violence or degradation” or again for contempt, rebellion or possession of explosive devices.

For this third consecutive Saturday of demonstrations against the health pass at the heart of the summer holidays, the mobilization has increased. Last week, they had been 161,000 pounding the pavement, including 11,000 in Paris, and 110,000 a week earlier.

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