5,000 LR activists write to Christian Jacob to refuse any alliance with LREM

Thousands of LR activists are asking party president Christian Jacob not to form an alliance with LREM at the regional level. – Vincent Loison / SIPA

No alliance at any cost. If the presidential party says it is ready to make an alliance with other parties in certain cases to block the RN, not everyone hears it that way. Nearly 5,000 elected officials, activists and sympathizers The Republicans signed an open letter to their party president Christian Jacob. In it, the signatories denounce the “unnatural” alliances with LREM for the regions.

“We will not let President Macron make a takeover bid on Les Républicains. To save the right, let’s adopt a clear line of opposition to Emmanuel Macron ”, they urge in this letter launched at the end of May by a“ Right for France ”collective. “Attached to the authentic values ​​of the right” which “are not soluble in macronism”, they assure him: “we do not recognize ourselves in the current confused line of our party”.

“We are ruining the chances of the right to make its voice heard”

These values ​​of “authority, security, identity, sovereignty, entrepreneurial freedom, reindustrialization” must be “carried by the French right with sincerity and consistency” and “without ambiguity or” at the same time “”, adds the letter signed in particular by the president of the LR federation of Sarthe Maxime Meunier, the former president of the federation of Vienne Romain Bonnet, as well as by Thomas Zlowodzki, LR national councilor.

“Wanting at all costs to win local elections with unnatural alliances, we are ruining the chances of the right to make its voice heard in the coming months”, they add, assuring that “support for Emmanuel Macron does not is not an option for 2022 ”.

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