21 portraits of women in search of a better world, forever and ever

Thibaut “LecturesB” contributor of the group reading
20 minutes Books, recommend you Far from the heart, collection of 21 short stories selected during a competition by the publishing house
Beta Publisher and the network of associations
Solidarity Women, was released on November 25, 2021.

Her favorite quote:

Shame on you, Iron man You challenge the femininity of your sisters Why is your hatred so bitter? Can’t you hear their cries, their tears?

Why this book?

  • Because the back cover recalls this startling number reported by the United Nations: 35% of women in the world have been victims of physical or sexual violence.
  • Because each of the 21 selected news advocates fair and egalitarian values ​​between the sexes, through well-kept stories.
  • Because despite the theme both dark, and unfortunately realistic, the different news make us travel through very different universes.
  • Because this collection of news allows us to discover different quality unpublished feathers and among them, perhaps future great authors.
  • Because part of the sales of this book is donated to Solidarité Femmes, a network of 73 specialized associations across France, whose objective is to work alongside women for their right to liberty, integrity and equality.

The essentials in 2 minutes

The plot. This collection of short stories follows a competition organized by the publishing house Beta Publisher and the network of associations Solidarité Femmes. News from different universes advocating equality, and aiming to raise awareness and solidarity against violence against women.

Characters. Adam and Eve, Lina, Madame Duvaux and her neighbors, Hugo, Philippe, Caroline and many others through many stories …

Places. All the stories take place in a different place such as the Garden of Eden, the campsite of the oasis, the apartment of Madame Duvaux’s neighbors and many more …

The time. All the news takes place in a different time, from the dawn of humanity until the year 2031.

21 authors. Let us quote them: Aurélien Bessard, Jeanne Gaudin, Marc Jatteau, Antoine Lagarde, Stéphane Bourles, Nadia Bourgeois, Juliette Galliani, Didier Gotthold, Sephora Calodat, Françoise Osiek, Claire Sibille, Jade Mahé, Maë Le Cunff, Maya Flochel, Marc Gérard, Serge Goriely, Marie -Clotilde Bastide, Assia-Printemps Gibirila, Claire Conte, Élisa Burellier, Hélène Hérault.

This book was read with With a heavy heart, the dark stories sometimes described in the book tell the reality of what is happening in the world.

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20 minutes of context

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