2000 years old: Mysterious tunnel from the Iron Age is a mystery

Watch the video: 2000 years old – Mysterious tunnel from the Iron Age poses a mystery.

Archaeologists have used laser scans to survey a mysterious tunnel in the Scottish Highlands. The Cracknie Basement is one of dozens of underground Iron Age structures that still puzzle researchers. The recordings should now help in decoding the tunnels.

Sutherland, Scotland Researchers have used laser technology to survey a mysterious tunnel in northern Scotland Scans were used to create a detailed 3D model of the Iron Age structure The tunnel, 13 meters long and around 1.5 meters high, ends in a brick chamber The under the name The structure known to Cracknie Souterrain was built around 2,000 years ago. The souterrains, which are more common in Scotland, are still a mystery. According to researchers, the buildings could have been used as storage, places of worship or prisons

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