20 practical and trendy decorating ideas

Balcony Lighting
© Pinterest © Lumeers

Outdoor lights to illuminate the balcony

Wall lights, pendant lights or balcony lamps are among the most common and practical outdoor lighting fixtures for enjoying a pleasant lighting atmosphere outdoors.

Discreet lighting on the balconyDiscreet lighting on the balcony
© Pinterest – Life Style In Colors

The most popular outdoor lighting on the balcony are wall lights and spotlights. Their advantage? These compact luminaires guarantee functional lighting, without being noticed.

Pendant lights on the balconyPendant lights on the balcony
© Pinterest – Apartment Therapy

Chandeliers and pendant lights are entirely possible on the balcony! And as in the bedroom or living room, they help to give style to the decor. These lights have another advantage: producing lighting directed downwards, they create an intimate atmosphere on the balcony. With their warm look, bamboo models remain safe values.

Solar lightsSolar lights
© Lumeers

Portable portable lamps or table lamps that can be recharged using a USB port are becoming more and more widespread. But these portable lights are not necessarily to everyone’s taste. If you prefer a fixed solution, choose solar models.

Floor lighting on the balconyFloor lighting on the balcony
© Pinterest – Espai Decor

Do you have a small balcony overlooked by another balcony? In this case, choose lighting directed upwards. This tip helps to enlarge the space. Think about LED strips: an original solution for lighting the balcony.

Lighting to enhance the plant decoration of the balconyLighting to enhance the plant decoration of the balcony
© Pinterest – Francisco Muñoz

LED strips are one of the most modular solutions for working on balcony lighting. What if you used them to enhance your plant decor?

Garlands and decorations: lighting to spruce up the balcony

It’s not always easy to give character to the balcony! Are you lacking inspiration? Focus on creative lighting.

The garland hangs along the railingThe garland hangs along the railing
© Pinterest – Laiba S

The garland is a common solution for lighting the balcony. And the most essential is of course the guinguette garland. The simple and effective option is to run it along the railing.

A light ladder to illuminate the balconyA light ladder to illuminate the balcony
© Pinterest – Impressive Ideas

The ladder illuminated with a garland is stunning in a small bedroom. It’s just as great for lighting a small balcony!

Mix plants and lighting to spruce up the small balconyMix plants and lighting to spruce up the small balcony
© Pinterest – Ivette Ruiz

The alternative to lighting a small balcony is to skillfully exploit the wall surface. One of the tips is to combine LED lighting and plants.

Lighting and shade sailLighting and shade sail
© Pinterest – Sophia Leicht

Install a small sofa or a wooden deckchair on the balcony? That’s a good idea! As long as you can shelter from the sun if necessary! Whether you opt for the shade sail or the iconic fringed parasol, you have a support for installing an LED garland: very discreet during the day, it creates a relaxing lighting atmosphere in the evening.

A DIY luminous privacy screenA DIY luminous privacy screen
© Pinterest – Livabl

Not great, opposite, when you want to enjoy an intimate evening on the balcony. The privacy screen is essential! And you just need to customize it using a garland to have practical and decorative balcony lighting. If you have a taste for DIY, you can even make your custom model using a palette.

A light curtain on the balconyA light curtain on the balcony
© Pinterest – Eric & Marie

The light curtain is an essential decorative accessory in the bohemian interior and in the Aesthetic bedroom. What if we also adopted it to light the balcony?

A bright ceilingA bright ceiling
© Pinterest – 333k+ Arts

Don’t want to embark on a shopping trip to light the balcony? Take a look at your Christmas decorations. If you have a light garland (or several!), this is a nice way to light up the balcony.

Bright stars on the balconyBright stars on the balcony
© Pinterest – Panorama

In the category of decorations that enhance the balcony, we love the stars, which bring a dreamlike touch to the decor.

Japanese lanterns to light the balconyJapanese lanterns to light up the balcony
© Pinterest – Lorena Agus

More trendy than ever, Japanese lanterns bring softness and lightness to the balcony decor during the day. And they produce pleasant lighting during the evening!

Colorful lanterns to light up the balconyColorful lanterns to light up the balcony
© Pinterest – Decorwitheva

The colors we no longer want to see on the balcony in 2024? Halftone shades! This season, we’re falling for dynamic colors. To adopt the trend, opt for colorful lanterns.

Light the fire to light the balcony?

Candles create an intimate and friendly atmosphere. What if we used it to light the balcony?

LED candles on the balconyLED candles on the balcony
© Pinterest – Ale Miguel

There’s no way the balcony lighting will go out at the slightest breeze… or start a fire! The solution is of course to choose LED candles, which now produce a light very close to that of an authentic candle.

An accumulation of candles on the balconyAn accumulation of candles on the balcony
© Pinterest – Fortheloveofinsertfandomhere

Candles are lovely, but they produce dim lighting. The solution is therefore to focus on accumulation.

An oil lamp on the balconyAn oil lamp on the balcony
© Pinterest – Hugs444

The brazier should of course be avoided on the balcony for obvious safety reasons. If you love flames, opt for an oil lamp (also handle with care, of course!).

Furniture: the bright idea for lighting the balcony

What if you didn’t need (real) lights to light the balcony? Design and full of fantasy, the bright furniture ensures!

A light table on the balconyA light table on the balcony
© Four Lighting

Between a floor lamp and a table, there is no need to choose: just adopt the light table – original and functional.

Illuminated furniture illuminates the balconyBright furniture illuminates the balcony
© New Garden

Dining table, sofa or armchair: now all outdoor furniture lights up!

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