1N Telecom GmbH: Thousands of complaints to consumer advice centers

As of: September 29, 2024 3:45 p.m

Many consumers have mistakenly signed a contract with the telecommunications company 1N Telecom. Despite cancellations, you will receive invoices and reminders. The public prosecutor’s office is now investigating.

For Berthold Frei from Weil am Rhein, it all started with a letter. It includes an offer for a 24-month contract for a DSL and telephone connection – cheaper than his previous tariff. A tempting offer for the 75-year-old. He was previously a customer of Deutsche Telekom and assumes that this is an offer from this company to switch to a different tariff.

Only weeks later, when Deutsche Telekom informed him that they wanted to change, did he realize that he had not initiated a tariff change, but had concluded a new contract: with 1N Telecom GmbH. He wants to undo this and tries to reach the company by phone. But in vain, no one could be reached, he reports.

Reminders despite revocation

Berthold Frei doesn’t let up. He sends a revocation by registered mail. But shortly afterwards his new internet and telephone access data arrived. He was unable to make phone calls or use the Internet with them. Nevertheless, 1N Telecom GmbH sends him invoices; as a result, even reminders. The company has now initiated debt collection proceedings.

More than 11,000 affected people nationwide have reported to consumer advice centers. Oliver Buttler from the consumer advice center in Stuttgart receives information about new cases almost every day. While initially it was mainly older people who were Deutsche Telekom customers who were contacted without being asked, now even minors are receiving payment requests, says Buttler.

If the involuntary customers try to withdraw from the contract, 1N Telecom GmbH will demand compensation. Mostly 419.88 euros. Meanwhile, the Federal Association of Consumer Centers is preparing a class action lawsuit against 1N Telecom GmbH. Lawyer Benjamin Stillner represents the consumer advocates in court. The expert for intellectual property protection takes action against, among other things, the damages clause and debt collection activities. A decision is still pending.

Federal Network Agency stops change

The Federal Network Agency is also reacting. Last year it temporarily stopped around 15,000 consumers switching to 1N Telecom GmbH. The Cologne Administrative Court declared this measure legal. The decision states: “There are (…) sufficient indications to assume that the applicant [1N Telecom GmbH] There were organizational deficits in the processing of revocations and disputes.”

Because those affected would not have been able to make emergency calls for a long period of time due to the non-functioning telephone connection, the court also sees a significant risk to health and life. Serious allegations – what does the company itself say about it? Callers on the phone end up in a continuous loop. The company does not respond to written inquiries.

Public Prosecutor’s Office determined

The Düsseldorf public prosecutor’s office is now also investigating the business conduct of 1N Telecom GmbH. The authority has criminal complaints from all over Germany.

What can those affected do who have signed a contract with 1N Telecom GmbH but never wanted to switch to the provider? Consumer advocate Buttler advises canceling the contract within 14 days, preferably by registered mail. Because 1N Telecom GmbH claims in almost all cases that it has not received any mail, according to the consumer advocate. Berthold Frei also filed an objection and contradicted the demands of 1N Telecom GmbH and the debt collection company. However, the company continues to insist on its demands.

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