196 or one-third of the members of the US Congress received political donations from Sam Bankman-Fried

The massive 196 members of the new US Congress received some form of political donation from FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried. and other key executives

This was revealed inreportlatest from news agency CoinDes k, which found that more than a third of the 545 new members of the U.S. Congress, many of whom were sworn in last week, Campaign sponsored directly by Sam Bankman-Fried. better known by the initials ‘SBF’, and many of the top executives at FTX.

The list of FTX donors includes many famous people such as new council president Kevin McCarthy(R-CA) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) It also has both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

However, most politicians say that since the money from FTX they have given to a number of charities.

Other members of Congress have revealed that they have discussed the issue with the DoJ and are looking to use the money to compensate victims of FTX.

Of the 53 political campaigns, 64% decided to send donations to nonprofits and charities.

In addition, 38% claimed that they are still holding money pending advice from an official government agency on how to properly refund money, with only 5 politicians reportedly saying they can refund their money. successfully associated with FTX

“Continuing donations to third parties FTX’s contributions (including charities) for which money is received by FTX does not preclude FTX debtors from seeking recovery,” FTX had warned recipients in a December statement.

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