17 years in prison

Two men were sentenced on Friday to 17 years in prison by the Oise Assize Court for having tortured and left a student for dead. They wanted to extort his credit card code from him.

The jurors were more severe than the general counsel who had asked for 15 years against Marvin T. and Montassar H., 23 years old at the time of the facts. The two defendants said they would appeal, the defense judging the sentence “excessive”. The third accused, Emilie D., aged 17 at the time, was for her part sentenced to five years, three of which were suspended for 3 years and a development for the firm part. She won’t appeal.

“I feel liberated”

“I have been heard. This is what I expected from this trial. I feel liberated, I will be able to move on, ”reacted Guillaume G., saying“ hope that this sanction will allow the accused to change ”. For his lawyer, Me Matthieu Chirez, who denounced during his plea “a global criminal project with acts of torture and barbarism”, “this decision of a popular jury recalls the gravity of the facts”.

The victim, a 25-year-old Parisian student from Yvelines, was found seriously injured on April 19, 2017 in the early morning, in a field near the ponds of Boran-sur-Oise, in the Oise. Abandoned entirely naked by -4 ° C, he was in a state of hypothermia.

“It’s savagery in its raw state”

A few hours earlier, he had met the accused – as well as a minor who will be tried later – in their vehicle, after an evening in Paris. He had asked them to take him home. The four young people then violently attacked him, to steal his property and have him deliver his bank card code.

“This case is brutal savagery. The victim was undressed, humiliated. A rain of blows will fall on Guillaume, a surge of violence for an hour and twenty, ”insisted the general counsel, Manon Noël, during his requisition. “But that is not enough: it is burned in the face, on the body, lacerated, whipped with a stick which one tries to introduce in the anus. The victim ends up following her attackers on all fours because she can no longer walk. They reduced it to the status of an animal, ”she continued.

Found through telephony

“I remember a field with that man’s voice telling me: ‘Your credit card code or we’ll kill you’,” said Guillaume G., 29 years old today, during the trial. The student, now an engineer at the Ministry of the Armed Forces, will never give the correct code. “If that could have made the beating stop, I would have given it.” But I couldn’t be myself anymore, ”he explained.

Tried for violence, extortion, torture and acts of barbarism, kidnapping and theft, the accused had been found thanks to the telephone. Their Audi A3 was also filmed by CCTV cameras. At the end of the pleadings, they apologized to the victim and his family.

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