17% of service stations were experiencing supply difficulties on Thursday

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5:08 p.m. : Nearly 17% of service stations are experiencing supply difficulties on at least one fuel, compared to 21.9% yesterday, according to data from the Ministry of Energy Transition. However, these figures are disputed. Not all service stations report their data dailyas they are supposed to, which can skew the department’s data.

2:09 p.m. : The extension of this strike for a week on the Gonfreville site (Seine-Maritime) was decided during a new general assembly. The date of October 27 coincides with the day when Total must publish its results for the 3rd quarter.

2:06 p.m. : The strike at the TotalEnergies refinery in Gonfreville (Seine-Maritime) has been renewed until October 27, announces the CGT.

2:04 p.m. : At 2 p.m., here are the main news headlines:

• The day after the onset of Article 49.3 of the Constitution to adopt the first part of the 2023 finance bill, the deputies will now continue with the examination of the Social Security budget, for which a new 49.3 should be used. Follow our live.

• The striking employees of two oil sites of TotalEnergies, in the North and the Bouches-du-Rhône, yesterday suspended their mobilization for wages, according to the CGT national coordinator for the group. On the other hand, the movement was renewed in two other sites of the group, in Normandy and in the Rhône.

Ardèche has been placed on orange alert for risks of rain and flooding from 8 p.m.

Lola’s murder continues to set the political world ablaze. Franceinfo explains to you why the obligation to leave French territory which targeted the young woman indicted for the murder of the 12-year-old schoolgirl is controversial.

12:04 : At noon, we suggest you take a break and take stock of the news:

• Elisabeth Borne triggered Article 49.3 of the Constitution to adopt the first part of the 2023 finance bill. The Nupes filed a motion of censure in response. The deputies will now continue with the examination of the Social Security budget, for which a new 49.3 should be used.

• The striking employees of two oil sites of TotalEnergies, in the North and the Bouches-du-Rhône, yesterday suspended their mobilization for wages, according to the CGT national coordinator for the group. On the other hand, the movement was renewed in two other sites of the group, in Normandy and in the Rhône.

Lola’s murder continues to set the political world ablaze. Franceinfo explains to you why the obligation to leave French territory which targeted the young woman indicted for the murder of the 12-year-old schoolgirl is controversial.

#SYRIA France repatriated this morning 40 children and 15 women “from camps in northeast Syria”communicates the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

09:02 : At 9 a.m., we invite you to take a break and take stock of the news:

• Elisabeth Borne triggered article 49.3 of the Constitution to adopt the first part of the 2023 finance bill. La Nupes filed a motion of censure in response. The deputies will now continue with the examination of the Social Security budget. Franceinfo retraces the course of the day of yesterday.

France repatriated this morning 40 children and 15 women “from camps in northeast Syria”communicates the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

• The striking employees of two oil sites of TotalEnergies, in the North and the Bouches-du-Rhône, yesterday suspended their mobilization for wages, according to the CGT national coordinator for the group. On the other hand, the movement was renewed in two other sites of the group, in Normandy and in the Rhône.

Lola’s murder continues to set the political world ablaze. Franceinfo explains to you why the obligation to leave French territory which targeted the young woman indicted for the murder of the 12-year-old schoolgirl is controversial.

The Swiss public prosecutor’s office appealed of the acquittal of Michel Platini and Sepp Blatter.

08:33 : “In terms of automobiles, I think that the All Saints’ weekend will be able to pass more serenely”, declares this morning on franceinfo Frédéric Plan, general delegate of the French Federation of Combustibles, Fuels and Heating. Strike was renewed this morning at the TotalEnergies refinery in Gonfreville-l’Orcher, in Seine-Maritime, and at the fuel depot in Feyzin, in the Rhône.

08:22 : “Where the impact is the strongest and where we have recorded a drop of almost 20% in reservations”worries on franceinfo Didier Chenet, President of the National Group of Independents in the hotel, coffee and catering industry. The fuel strike, which continues this morning in two Total refineries, mainly affects the regions where the refineries on strike are located.

07:35 : Hello @Colette. I do not know if there is a taboo, but these figures are difficult to obtain. TF1 tried the exercise and according to the management of TotalEnergies, the company counted on Monday “90 strikers exactly” spread over six shutdown sites. But the unions have not confirmed these figures, which do not take into account the organization of the refineries, which run on the “Three Eight” (continuous work divided into three eight-hour shifts), while the management only counts the strikers during the first service.

07:35 : Hello Clement. Bravo for your work. We have just had 2 weeks of nightmares with fuel shortages. Why is it taboo to publish figures? How many strikers blocked the oil sites? A few dozen ? Few hundreds ? A few thousand? How can such a balance of power hinder millions of French people? Thank you for your work.

06:52 : The strike is running out of steam as the holidays approach, but the mobilization is still continuing in Gonfreville-l’Orcher, in Seine-Maritime. CGT decides to renew the strike in this TotalEnergies refinery following a general meeting this morning. Of the five sites of the oil group, two continue the movement.


06:01 : Without further ado, here is a first point on the news:

• Elisabeth Borne triggered article 49.3 of the Constitution to adopt the first part of the 2023 finance bill. La Nupes filed a motion of censure in response. The deputies will now continue with the examination of the Social Security budget. Franceinfo retraces the course of the day of yesterday.

• The striking employees of two oil sites of TotalEnergies, in the North and the Bouches-du-Rhône, yesterday suspended their mobilization for wages, according to the CGT national coordinator for the group. On the other hand, the movement was renewed in two other sites of the group, in Normandy and in the Rhône.

Lola’s murder continues to set the political world ablaze. Franceinfo explains to you why the obligation to leave French territory which targeted the young woman indicted for the murder of the 12-year-old schoolgirl is controversial.

The writer Jean Teuléauthor of thunder flower and Suicide storedied at the age of 69.

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