17 deco ideas and inspirations

© 4 Murs © Pinterest E Glue Studio

The essentials of a 10-year-old boy’s bedroom

Since entering CP, we have had to juggle in the bedroom, between toys and a space dedicated to homework. Before long, your child will be entering college. While stuffed animals and toys are likely to melt like snow in the sun, schoolwork and the number of notebooks and textbooks will increase significantly. When decorating a 10-year-old boy’s bedroom, it is therefore wise to anticipate, by choosing a desk that he can keep for several years.

We Prepare for College Entrance
© Ikea

The ideal is to opt for an office with storage space. For maximum comfort, consider an adjustable chair.

  Office On Trestles
© Leroy Merlin

At 10 years old, is your child still a bit small for a large office? The smart alternative is the desk on adjustable trestles!

The other room to choose carefully is the bed, of course!

The Esprit Studio Daybed
© Ikea

The bed with storage remains a safe bet, to keep a tidy bedroom. Niches and drawers are also versatile: games, clothes, books … you can store almost everything!

Studio inspiration
© Ikea

Another well-proven classic is the loft bed. It frees up enough floor space to set up a comfortable office area and room for fun. For a 10-year-old boy’s bedroom, we favor a neutral model, in white or wood, which blends easily into any decor.

A contemporary bedroom easy to relook
© Goal

Depending on your child’s habits, you may prefer the bed with a sleeper drawer, which offers an extra bed which can be very useful!

Whatever type of bed wins your membership, it is important to choose a place that is suitable for sleeping. Even as your child grows, avoid placing the bed in the center of the room. Prefer a location against the wall, or even in the corner, with a view of the door: this configuration is the most secure, and this rule applies to both children and adults!

10 year old boy’s bedroom: decorative inspirations

In terms of decoration, boys tend to appreciate universes related to their favorite cartoon or movie. On the furniture side, it is therefore wise to opt for a sober base, and to fall for small decorative accessories: bed linen, posters, wall stickers …

Scandinavian Inspired Room
© Kids Room

The Scandinavian-inspired bedroom is distinguished by its sleek design. To create a cozy space, choose wooden furniture, or adopt the white and wood bedroom.

Industrial room
© Conforama

The industrial room is distinguished by raw materials and muted colors: gray or black, in particular. Accessorized with a colorful decoration – acid green, sunny yellow, for example – it can be a very good choice for a 10-year-old boy’s bedroom.

Esprit Indus Room
© Leroy Merlin

For a softer atmosphere, simply mix the influences, by declining the industrial bedroom in a white and wood version, resolutely Scandinavian!

Chalkboard Wall
© Conforama

A touch of black in a 10-year-old boy’s bedroom, and why not? Especially if you opt for the chalkboard effect paint: a timeless classic!

A room that still gives pride of place to games
© Ikea

Storage for games remains important in the bedroom of a 10-year-old boy. However, you can opt for modular storage. Storage boxes are smart choices, because they can be accessorized with drawers and baskets or turn into simple lockers, depending on the needs of the moment!

Super Heros Wallpaper
© 4 Walls

The wallpaper in the colors of super heroes appeals to both adults and children! And it makes a great choice for a 10 year old boy’s bedroom.

Sport Bed Set
© La Redoute Interieurs

Among the simple and effective themes for a 10 year old boy’s bedroom: his favorite sport! In addition to the wallpaper, you can bet on the bed linen to decline the chosen theme.

Smart Storage
© Pinterest Decoideas

Choosing your little boy’s passion as the theme for his bedroom is a smart idea in more ways than one! You can take the opportunity to get creative, combining storage and decoration. His balloons can thus be transformed into wall decorations, between two parties!

© Pinterest Tiny 3d Temples

Do you have a taste for DIY? A few pallets and crates, some paint and a little imagination, and here is a playful and rather well organized room!

Wall decal
© Pinterest E Glue Studio

In this room worthy of an explorer in the making, a wall sticker brings a playful and very graphic final touch.

A Bedroom In Camaieu
© Tollens

Painting allows you to revamp the children’s room at will! For a cheerful atmosphere that is conducive to rest, you can adopt shades of blue: this fresh shade is also known to be soothing.

Initial On The Wall
© Zolpan

The graphic pattern on the wall is very trendy. In a 10-year-old boy’s room, however, it is possible to opt for a variant, like his initial in XXL version!

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