14 decorative ideas and inspirations to furnish it

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Landscaping the yard: what to think about?

The courtyard can be interior, and surrounded by walls or bay windows, or located at the front or at the back of the house.

A Truly Canon Passageway
© Leroy Merlin

In some cases, the courtyard is only a passageway. And even if it means just passing by, you might as well do it in style: we therefore bet on a pretty alley. The combination of gravel and Japanese slabs is a very safe choice to sublimate contemporary architecture.

A well-appointed courtyard
© Pinterest The Frugality

If the courtyard can be large enough to accommodate a living space, its dimensions are nonetheless more modest than those of a garden. It is therefore first of all a question of prioritizing the arrangements according to your habits. Chill, vegetate the space or set up a corner to sit down at: choices will have to be made.

A Small Creative Yard
© Leroy Merlin

Whether it’s installing specific equipment or greening the yard, don’t forget to think practical. No question, for example, of cluttering a small space with wood if you want to install a brazier. Difficult, moreover, to pass the mower or the brushcutter in an interior courtyard. In addition, you have to deal with the exposure, sometimes very sunny or, on the contrary, often shaded. Gravel is sometimes the best solution to spruce up the yard.

Consider Existing Elements
© Pinterest Wonder Forest

As part of a construction, you have carte blanche to develop the premises. If you have invested in an already existing property, on the other hand, it is likely that certain elements are already present, in particular a tree. Do not hesitate to make it the central element, around which you will arrange the space.

Beautify the yard: assert your style

To create a truly stunning courtyard, the ideal is to approach the space as a classic room in the house. Once you have decided on the equipment you want to install, it is therefore a good idea to choose a style.

A Boho 100� Chill Space
© Pinterest Green Wedding Shoes

Very trendy indoors, the bohemian decoration is just as hot – and chill – outdoors. Plant fibers, rugs, cushions and plaids make up a very cocooning setting here, where you just ask to sit down to relax.

Castle spirit
© Leroy Merlin

Like a desire for castle life? The stone fountain brings a crazy cachet to the courtyard of a stylish building, or even a more rustic building such as a restored barn.

Vegetate By Creating An Atmosphere
© Pinterest Covet House

If you don’t have a lot of space, bet on vegetation to give style to your yard. In this very mineral setting, we have chosen species with very graphic lines and foliage, which create an exotic atmosphere.

Vegetated Arbors
© Pinterest A Piece Of Rainbow

For a more bucolic atmosphere, we fall for the trellises, on which we run vines, roses or wisteria.

Beautify the yard: tips to inspire you

To sublimate the courtyard, it is often necessary to know how to be inventive. What if you let yourself be inspired by these rather smart layouts?

Structure the space
© Pinterest Melanie Jade Design

Indoors and outdoors, the secret to embellishing a small space and making it more cozy is the same: it is above all a question of structuring it. In this well thought-out courtyard, the layout of the furniture is accentuated by the rugs, the sizes of which have been carefully chosen.

Two Levels
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The corner sofa offers generous space, ideal for accommodating the whole family and entertaining friends. But an XXL format garden furniture in a small courtyard, that weighs down the space and gives an unpleasant feeling of clutter. The good idea is then to adopt the platform, in order to create two levels, a simple and effective way to visually enlarge the space.

The Pergola For A Pleasant Living Space
© Pinterest Ivy Nook

Slabs are a common covering in the yard. But beware of very sunny locations, as they will quickly become very hot. A more suitable coating, such as wood or composite, is therefore preferred. For more comfort, consider the pergola, which will also house the garden furniture in the event of light rain.

The Vegetable Patch
© Pinterest Rooted Garden

A vegetable garden in the yard: and why not? To reconcile ease of maintenance and aesthetics, simply adopt the vegetable patch. This type of layout is also suitable for a pleasure garden, and you may prefer to grow your favorite flowers there.

Dress Walls And Palisades Of Greenery
© Pinterest Tiffany Milanese

Facades or palisades: the courtyard being surrounded by walls, it can quickly give the impression of suffocating. The simplest solution is of course to green the walls. For a pleasant yard all year round, choose evergreen climbing plants: ivy, clematis or passionflower, for example.

Wall Decorations
© Pinterest Balcony Decoration

Failing to vegetate the facade or the palisade, surf on the trend of the moment, which consists in blurring the border between interior and exterior. Choose a few wall decorations in tune with the style of your yard.

15 – Very decorative lighting – PINTEREST – Article

Lights are essential outdoor equipment. In the courtyard, they are also real decorative assets. Garlands, suspensions, photophore: today, almost all types of lights are available in a solar-powered version. We therefore do not hesitate to have fun and multiply the points of light.

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