138,795 demonstrators at 3 p.m., down sharply from May 1

MAP – At 3 p.m., 138,795 demonstrators have already marched throughout France. A figure in very clear decrease compared to 1er last May.

Arthur Bijotat
, Nicolas Mondon
And Figure Data


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Demonstration against the pension reform during a trip by Emmanuel Macron to Lyon (Rhône), on May 8. AFP / JEAN-PHILIPPE KSIAZEK

Mobilization against the pension reform: episode 14. At least 250 rallies, which can bring together up to 600,000 people according to the authoritiesare planned today throughout France to protest against pension reform carried by the executive. These demonstrations take place two days before the examination by the National Assembly a law proposal from the LIOT group (Liberties, independents, overseas territories and territories) aimed at repealing the text of the government, and in particular the passage of the legal age of departure to 64 years. The unions hope to achievea big day of strikes and demonstrations“says Marylise Léon, future number one of the CFDT while the law was promulgated in mid-April and first implementing decrees have been published in the Official Journal.

” READ ALSO – Retirement simulator: at what age will you finally be able to leave with the reform?

At 3 p.m., 138,795 demonstrators had already marched, according to the statement of fig Data based on figures from the prefectures, down sharply from the last mobilization on 1er May where 379,145 people had beaten the pavement at the same time. In total, there were 782,000 that day for the Ministry of the Interior – against 2.3 million according to the union account.

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The map is updated throughout the day.

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At the height of this movement, 1.28 million people gathered in the streets on March 7, including 81,000 in Paris. The challenge was then revived by the use of article 49.3 allowing the majority not to vote on the text in the National Assembly. An IFOP poll for the JDD published on Sunday shows that the anger has not completely faded: 57% of French people still say they support the strikers.

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In transport, only the air sector seems to be affected: one flight in three has been canceled at Paris-Orly, one flight in five at Lyon, Marseille, Nice, Toulouse, Bordeaux or Nantes. SNCF traffic is “very slightly” disturbed “with nine out of ten trains in circulation on a national average“, and he is “normalin Île-de-France across the entire RATP network. A strike call has also been launched by national education unions and youth organisations.

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