125,000 police and gendarmes mobilized throughout the territory, 12,000 in Paris

The security system planned for the July 14 festivities is particularly robust this year. Some 125,000 police and gendarmes will be mobilized this Thursday throughout the country to ensure the smooth running of the national holiday, the Interior Ministry said on Wednesday.

“Due to the high and persistent level of the terrorist threat, particular attention will be paid to the surveillance and control measures recommended by the Vigipirate posture, as well as to the reaction capacities of the units”, wrote Gérald Darmanin in a telegram from the ministry addressed in particular to the prefects.

Special security for public transport

“The security services (…) will have to be adapted to the risks previously assessed by the intelligence services and to the availability of mobile force units”, he continues.

In particular, the minister asks the prefects to ensure “special security” for public transport and to provide for “immediate consideration of any urban violence and the phenomenon of gangs”.

12,000 police, gendarmes and firefighters in Paris

In Paris and in the inner suburbs, the police prefecture mobilizes around 12,000 police officers, gendarmes and firefighters to “fight against crime and prevent disturbances to public order”, said the Ministry of the Interior.

Calls to demonstrate Thursday in Paris, Place de la Bastille, were launched by groups of “Yellow Vests” on social networks.

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