12 decorative ideas and trendy inspirations

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Plant decoration: the charming asset of the living room

It’s a fact: indoor plants bring life to the house. But it would be a shame to neglect their real decorative potential!

Plants To Warm Up The White Living Room
© Pinterest Delisse

To furnish this white living room, we opted for simplicity, opting for a total immaculate look. Displayed in their terracotta pot, nestled in vegetable fiber planters or suspended in their macramé support, green plants are a pretext for introducing trendy materials that warm up the atmosphere. And they contribute to give a resolutely boho character to the decor!

Indoor Plants To Refresh The Decor
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This year, warm colors are in the spotlight. Among the trendy colors, we love powder pink and cognac. In this very cozy living room, these warm nuances are sublimated by the choice of textiles, and in particular velvet – one of the trendy materials for 2023. A shrub brings a pleasant touch of freshness. The good idea to steal? The choice of a variety with curvaceous XL foliage, which enhances the cocooning spirit of the room.

A Touch Of Originality
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This small bohemian living room offers an unexpected twist, with this sublime vegetal wall decoration made using an upcycled golden molding frame. The composition is perfectly enhanced by the color of the wall – an aquatic blue-green perfectly in tune with the major decorating trends of the year.

The Plant Decoration To Personalize The Minimalist Living Room
© Pinterest Cindy Huang

The minimalist living room remains very popular for its Zen and timeless character. Here, we put on generous seats and a large carpet, while the rest of the furniture is extremely discreet. Although the plants cover almost the entire surface of the wall, it is indeed the XXL driftwood support dressed in greenery that immediately catches the eye and gives the room its full personality.

A Retro Living Room Full of Life
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The industrial decoration inspired mainly by the factories of the first half of the 20th century, it is essentially retro. It also gives pride of place to mineral materials such as brick or concrete, as well as metal. To dust off this vintage look a bit and bring a touch of nature, we opted here for indoor plants scattered throughout the room.

Plants And Leather
© Pinterest Tanya Truong

With its mineral-textured walls and black parquet, this is a very current urban living room, but which could have lacked a bit of character. All it takes is a rug with an Aztec motif and a few well-chosen indoor plants for it to suddenly take on a resolutely ethnic look.

How to green the living room?

Falling for the green living room is not just about getting a big breath of fresh air: it’s also a choice that can turn out to be particularly smart!

A Plant To Soften Angles
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The trend is for comforting interiors, dominated by soft lines. We therefore hasten to arrange the lost angles, whose lines are hard to look at. In this vintage-style living room, we opted for a shrub that breaks up the angle and softens it. We love the choice of graphic foliage, which discreetly energizes the decor.

Plants To Preserve Privacy In The Living Room
© Pinterest Doris Leslie Blau

You probably don’t really want to draw the curtains and deprive yourself of beautiful light when you’re chilling in the living room. To preserve your privacy, bet on indoor plants and shrubs! Placed near the window, they benefit from a beautiful exposure. And if they allow light to pass through, they will skillfully protect you from prying eyes.

Plants And Rich Colors For A Cozy Living Room In A Loft Interior
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A living room with bay window, what happiness? Not when the light is reflected in the TV, preventing you from enjoying your favorite series. The trick to preserving the screen from unwanted reflections without completely plunging the room into darkness is to place a shrub or an XXL indoor plant such as a monstera so as to block the sun. And that’s good: large format varieties are terribly trendy!

Vertical Movement
© Pinterest Leo ‘O’cookies’

One of the tips for arranging a small living room is to favor low elements – from the sofa to the sideboard or sideboard. This allows you to have all the necessary furniture without creating an unpleasant impression of clutter. This type of arrangement would quickly become too smooth. To wake up the decor a bit, we use vertical posters here and, above all, large-format plants that create a nice upward momentum.

A plant wall decoration to reduce the height under the ceiling
© Pinterest Giadagjc

Difficult to create an intimate atmosphere in the living room when the ceiling is very high! It is then a question of playing with the decoration to remodel the space and make it more cozy. In this plant-decorated living room, the indoor plants were chosen with the greatest care, in order to create an enveloping effect all around the sofa.

Xxl Plants To Pimp The Boho Living Room
© Pinterest Sara Toufali

Arrange a reading corner in the living room: that seems to be an unstoppable logic! However, it remains important to isolate it from the rest of the room and to create a bubble effect conducive to escape, when you immerse yourself in a book. Shrubs and indoor plants in (very!) large format then reveal their full potential, since they create a curtain of greenery to isolate you.

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