10-0 … Three things to remember from the huge slap of the Girondins de Bordeaux

We can lose 10-0 and get a standing ovation from a whole stadium. This is the charm of the Coupe de France.
The Twins of M’Zouasia experienced it this Sunday at Matmut Atlantique against the Girondins de Bordeaux in the 32nd final. Despite all the goodwill in the world, the difference was too great between the 15th in Ligue 1 for fans of the island of Mayotte, playing in R1, the sixth level in France. And as they refused to close the game, the Mahorais ended up taking a good one as they say.

They leave with full suitcases. But not just goals, there will also be many wonderful memories to tell a few thousand kilometers further south of the globe. For the Girondins, the job is done, and well done. Vladimir Petkovic could not have hoped for better to prepare for the last match of the calendar year, Wednesday, against Lille. A large victory and no additional injury. So what to remember?

A record tied and a clean sheet

A goal. This is what the Bordelais lacked to break a 56-year-old record. That of the club’s biggest victory. With this 10-0, they “only” equaled the victory of September 4, 1965 against Stade Français in the French championship. “Maybe in 20 years, people will talk about this result but for me it is anecdotal. It’s just a statistic ”, quickly evacuated Vladimir Petkovic.

The Swiss coach will perhaps remember more, and again it is not certain given the opponent, the fact of having seen his team achieve their first clean sheet of the season. Yes, it was not until December 19 and a match against an R1 to see the worst defense in Ligue 1, keep its clean sheet for ninety minutes.

“Having seen a lot of games in the last few days, it’s not easy for anyone to win,” said Petkovic. This victory also gives us a little more confidence and finally, I was able to do some experiments (Fransergio in defense, for example) during this meeting which is always good. “

Niang, more ready than ever

Another first in this game. This time, more individual. It is for M’Baye Niang. The Girondins striker has scored a quadruple for the first time in his career. He had never even scored a treble in pro in an official match: “It’s true that for me, the goal is to score or to make score (he also delivered two assists). It’s part of my process, now I have to keep going and it’s a nice birthday present ”.

The one who celebrated his 27 years confirms that he is back in shape. Already very involved and rather fair during his last entries into the game, he proves to his trainer that he is there. For now, Ui-jo Hwang is still ahead of him in the hierarchy. But having a motivated and sharp M’baye Niang on the bench can still help. See you on Wednesday opposite Losc.

No new cases of Covid-19

It is well known that good news never comes alone. Beyond this large victory, the Girondins de Bordeaux had had other good news before the meeting. The club did not detect any new cases of Covid-19 during tests carried out in the early afternoon. We therefore remain for the moment with two positive cases, those of Rémi Oudin and Dilane Bakwa. The two players will also miss the reception of Lille. According to Vladimir Petkovic, the Bordelais will be tested again on Tuesday and Wednesday. .

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